Friday, April 22, 2011

Writer's Block Friday

Blah, blah, blah . . .

* Well, who, I would like to know, went all the way to Shelby's school two hours away and back with no accidents?!  Yes, Preschooler D.  I do believe he's actually going to get to go to preschool this fall after all.  Believe me, I was starting to wonder.  It's an Easter miracle.

* And hooray, we have Shelby here now!  She has a small, constant, underwear wearing shadow.  I've just heard him declare he's going to sleep in her room with her.  Lucky girl.

* I got the living room painted yesterday.  Thank you again for all helpful suggestions on marker removal.  I must say the new paint makes the room look great.  Did some long-needed dusting behind the piano, as well.

* I hope by now you know I am a Christian.  Today is kind of a cool day for us.  In a bargain I will never fully understand, one man took the heat for all the crap I've pulled.  Mine might be worse than yours -- it might be less, but he did it for you too.  For whatever reason, we get a second chance . . . and a third . . . and a fourth if we need it.  All we have to do is agree that somehow the deal was struck, and he took our place.  That's it.  No magic incantations.  No endless steps we have to follow.  No more to do.  No more to say.  We just have to agree to it.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing the video. It is an awesome and amazing thing that God did for us! Wishing you and your family a joyous Easter!

  2. My husband watched this video clip with me. Happy Easter Ml!
