Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sound of Silence

Thursday we hosted 23 people for Thanksgiving. The next day we hosted cookie bake and over the weekend all of Big Daddy's (BD) children made our home a bustling haven of fun . . . and then yesterday three of the four of BD's brood went back to school.

Baby D and I did NOT know what to do with ourselves. I put a few ornaments on our too large living room tree. Baby D took them off and played a bowling game with them. I drank that second cup of fully caffeinated coffee while Baby D sat and watch all of Monsters, Inc, like a good two year old. (Wait . . . foggy memory . . . pediatric academy something . . .no television . . . two years old . . .) Then we went upstairs to get dressed before BD came home for lunch. I got dressed. I got Baby D dressed and then he took off for -- what? two minutes? -- while I put a few things away. In that time Baby D went into the bathroom, opened up a jar of Vaseline and smeared it all over his hair. Great.

Downstairs to the kitchen sink we went. "I'll just wash his hair up quickly in the sink, " thought I. "No problem." As I carried him downstairs I discovered that his clothes were covered in Vaseline as well . . . and now so was I. "Okay," thought I. "We'll just wash up that hair and change our shirts. No problem." I must say Baby D was really most cooperative in the sink, but apparently I was asleep in every science class I ever took because Vaseline is an oil and oil and water don't mix. This is what makes Vaseline so effective in many uses like moisturizing your lips and such. So now Baby D and I are wet from head to toe from the hair washing, and there is still Vaseline in his hair.

I looked up our problem on the Internet. Apparently D is not the only toddler to have ever done this. There are a variety of solutions. I went with corn starch. It helped, but his hair still has an Ove Pederson style this morning. (For non-GHS grads, just picture your late 70s shop teacher.)

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