Monday, December 1, 2008

Deck them halls

I started decorating this weekend. It's difficult for me to transition so rapidly from Thanksgiving -- my favorite holiday -- to Christmas. I really feel like Thanksgiving gets the short end of the stick. BUT Christmas really is lovely and if one goes to all the work of decorating, shouldn't we enjoy it for the maximum amount of time?

So Baby D and I got going. Three -- wait, four or five ornaments have been broken or needed repairs due to excessive handling. As you may recall, last year I put up a small, out of the way tree. (O Christmas Tree )I've decided to go back to the two full-sized trees this year, so this is all new for Baby D. New and very exciting. And so pretty. And so tempting. And so breakable. Here's the thing, though: It's Christmas, and you're only almost two once, and it really is pretty. I feel very confident that for every ornament that gets broken, there is another one somewhere to take its place. Eat up, kid.

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