Friday, January 7, 2011

Writer's Block Friday

Blah, Blah, Blah . . .

* (From Preschooler D) jhtruxxzxxcvbnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkiu6y

* In case you haven't seen it over there in the upper right corner, I've started a photo project.  It's supposed to be a picture a day for a whole year, but we shall see.  As you know I am not good at craft projects and this one lasts a whole year.  Let's just take it one day at a time.

* School's getting out early today.  The wind is blowing pretty hard.  I've got my eye on a house out in the country.  I mean "go 4 miles past a tiny nearby town, turn down a gravel road, turn on another gravel road, turn on yet another gravel road and you are there" out in the country.  It's weather like this that makes me remember why I live in town.

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