Friday, March 9, 2012

Running Again

Every spring I think I am going to be a runner.  I'm sure we've talked about this before.  Remember the story of how when I was in college I announced I would be running a 5K and on the day I was going to quit, I got the paper where my dad had written how proud he was of me for being a runner?  Remember that?

So . . . I ponder training so that I can spend the summer running 5Ks and impressing my friends and family. And . . . then I get out there and I remember I don't really like running.

Last year I did the training on my treadmill, ran a 5K on my treadmill, and quit the day after.

I am a faithful exerciser, you know that.  Weights, Pilates, yoga, tae bo, low impact, high impact, step, Zumba, dance, walking -- I've done it and survived.  What is it about running that defeats me?

I'm not in a mood to be defeated right now.  I have cleaned the Christmas decorations off the treadmill and am back in action.

Let's not get our hopes up, but I have made it that far.

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