Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 2: I Become a Real Runner

I got bit by a dog this morning.  It drew blood. And I . . . kept on running.

Right?!  Good, huh?? Tough girl!! Plus -- and here's the best part -- it was dark out.  That's right.  I was up before day break to run, PLUS I got bit by the dog.  I mean if that isn't earning my running wings, I do not know what is.  Good for me!!

It hurts, though.  I would not recommend it.  I will call the police next time.  Don't get me wrong.


In other news . . . you may have heard things about my school system on national news.  I hope you have not.  I'm not going to talk any more about it because I do not want to draw attention to it.  There are two sides to every story and the side that is being told now does not line up with what I know to be true about the school my children attend.  To me, it lines up more with an adult who is trying to gain attention and using her child to do it.


In other news . . .  I got a call from the bone marrow people today.  I am moving on.  Someone is coming to take my blood on Thursday and it will be tested for West Nile Virus, HIV/AIDS, and a range of other infections and diseases.  They will also test to see how close a match I am to determine if there's a closer match.  If I pass the next round, there's a physical and more blood.

I know now that the patient has Acute Myelogenous Leukemia.  This is apparently a rare and aggressive form of cancer.  Please continue to lift up this person and his or her family.  Can you imagine (or maybe you know from experience) what an exhausting and anxious time this must be for them?


  1. dog bite! no police? no doctor? Well if you want my opinion ...

  2. I know. I know. If we were having coffee I would explain more . . .
