Friday, March 6, 2009

The Conference

Why is it I always think of the questions I want to ask at parent-teacher conferences after the conference is over? Brent and I sit there and smile giddily as we talk about Colin as though he were not there, praising him to high heaven. Brilliant child. Brilliant child. Amazing progress. Delightful in the classroom.

Of course he is. What did you all expect?

Do you have any questions? Of course not! Why would I question the brilliant, amazing work he is doing? No, no! Everything is fine! Everything is great! No questions.

Then I get home and I start looking at the papers. Hey, wait. Is he behind here? Was he supposed to have this thing done by now? Are these all the points he has? Why is this?

Have I been tricked? Have I been duped? Was I just flattered up at the beginning, so that I would ignore any concerns I would have? There should be some sort of follow up questioning period.

Oh, I know I can contact Colin's staff any time I want to and believe me, I have. But I always end up second guessing. Is Colin doing grade level work or not? Is he ready for 5th grade? Are you sabotaging my child so he has to stay behind because you love and adore my brilliant child so very dearly?

It may be that I am unable to view Colin's progress in an unbiased fashion and I do not want to be one of those parents who assumes her child is more than he is nor do I want to be one of those parents who doesn't raise the bar high enough for her child.

Oh, parenting. It's just the hardest job.

And hey. . . I was just on a website which donates photography for parents with babies who did not live. They have some beautiful sample photographs. Don't go there just for fun if you have a super tender heart (me!) or are pregnant right now (Margaret!), but if it's a cause that is meaningful to you, they accept donations on the site.

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