Friday, May 28, 2010

Writer's Block Friday

Blah, blah, blah . . .

* Yesterday I said there was no amount of money that would make me consider being a fifth grader again. After being on the school bus for the two hour drive to Minneapolis, I would have to say it would take a large amount of money for me to be a school bus driver as well. Bless those heroes who drive those behemoths full of our children in all sorts of weather. I mean, it's not exactly a Ford Focus, is it?

* Speaking of school, many mommies I know get sad at the start of the school year. I don't know. I get sort of excited for the kids -- new teacher, new school supplies, fresh start. It's the end of the school year that makes me sad as I watch my kid cross another finish line toward adulthood. If I do my job well, I work myself out of a job. That's the way it should be all right, but . . . it makes me a little melancholy.

* Saw my friend Sylvia, the Hollywood actress, today. I tried to look perky and put together but it is hard when you are holding a sticky, cookie laden Preschool D. What was worse was he really wanted to sit with her, and I don't blame him. She, however, was trying to stay clean, and I don't blame her for being a little hesitant.

* I know many of you are prayer warriors and I ask that you would lift up my high school friend Michele T who was diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukemia on Wednesday. She was admitted to the hospital and will be on 24 hour chemotherapy for the next 7 days. It's no good, I tell you. No good. Thank goodness we live in the age of modern medicine and not in sod huts, but let's never forget no matter how advanced our science is, we still need our God.

Have a super Memorial Day weekend. I'll see you next week.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about your friend Michele T. I will keep her near my heart and in my prayer this whole blessed week!
