Monday, February 8, 2010


We didn't get much done this weekend as Mr. and Miss Betrothed (Shall we call them jeremyandrachel?) were at our house. I am trying to remember being engaged. I think my father had to pay a herd of goats to Brent or something. Maybe it was the other way around. Who can recall.

At any rate s'son Jeremy did a nice job picking out her ring all by himself. After the crossword puzzle dictionary debacle of 2004, I wasn't sure he had it in him, but maybe it's different buying gifts for your s'mother than it is for your girlfriend. It most likely is, isn't it?

I shouldn't tease. He has written two piano songs for Colin as gifts -- which is about the neatest thing ever. And he gave me the Fargo North High School Marching Band playing "Happy Birthday" for my 40th birthday last year which is going to be hard to top this year. He does all right.

I meant to take a picture of them for the blog record, but as it was I was a little bit excited spreading the word. The came here on Friday night and announced the wedding date and by Sunday morning people at church were greeting them, "I hear your getting married June next year." Well . . .It's not every day we have news this good.

Rachel is THE young woman for Jeremy. It is a rare thing to see two people as in sync as these two are. It is most assuredly cause for a wedding.

And it's June next year, in case you hadn't heard.

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