Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Poem for Tuesday

I need to weed my front flower bed.  There are several trees growing in there.  Wish I'd thought of this.

Grandpa's Garden
Sarah Grames Clark

My grandpa has a garden
That never wilts of fades,
Although he never plows it up
Or waters it, or spades.

He never worries if it storms,
Or fears the hottest sun;
And yet his garden's filled with plants,
And he loves each one!

He'll say to me, "Come take a look,
Now aren't these pansies sweet!
Oh, see this lovely hyacinth --
And here's a marguerite!"

My grandpa's very feeble,
For he's past eighty-nine
And yet his lovely garden
Is always in its prime.

Yes, Grandpa has a garden
Without scarecrow, fence or dog;
And, all in lovely colors,
Keeps it in his catalog!