Saturday, October 13, 2007

One is the loneliest number

Mrs. Peterson, C's third grade teacher, asked for volunteers to be room mothers at the beginning of the school year. I had been really feeling like God was calling me to do volunteer work at school so I agreed. I even agreed to be the room mother coordinator. Why not.

Now, you need to know that C's school doesn't have room mothers, so when I agreed to do this, I thought I was agreeing to cut construction paper pumpkins or police game time during parties. So imagine my surprise when Mrs. P came up to me at the third grade picnic and said, "I have the money for you."

"For what?" I asked.

"Why for the parties, of course," she said.

Turns out in the rest of the world that's what room mothers do -- they plan the parties. Every woman I have talked to about this in our district has been surprised, so I know I am not the only one who was in the dark.

Well, I thought, since God was calling me and God loves hospitality, I would have a coffee and all the volunteers could sit down and meet each other and volunteer what they would do for the parties. I had one -- yes, one -- lady show up today. Two others called to say they weren't coming, but that was it.

It's not like I don't already have issues about being loved and accepted by my peer group. But they don't even know me! Is it so bad I am rejectable without even being seen?!

Brent suggests I am taking it too personally.

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